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Do you randomly break out in sweats? Have you developed a particularly low tolerance for idiots? Is your vagina drier than a box of Weetbix? If you or someone you know is affected by menopause (hint: that’s all of us), you’ll find all the empathy and information you need right here.

Watch as award-winning actor Jane Longhurst tackles the many-thorned beast that is menopause, arriving newly embattled to a succession of appointments, as a series of different women. In her meetings with real-life women’s health doctor Natasha Vavrek, we’ll discover the science behind the symptoms and the numerous options for treatment.

Captured live on stage at the Theatre Royal, as part of Beaker Street Festival 2023.


This video was recorded at Beaker Street Festival, an annual celebration of science and art held in Hobart, Tasmania each August.  It’s a place to share ideas, culture, and excellent Tassie food and drink — bringing warmth, connection and inspiration to lutruwita/Tasmania’s winter. The Festival promises entertainment, education, debate, and community in a participatory atmosphere.